Indus Motor Company Temporarily Halts Production Due to Supply Chain Challenges

indus motor company temporarily halts production due to supply chain challenges

indus motor company temporarily halts production due to supply chain challenges

Indus Motor Company Limited a Prominent Automobile Assembler has Decided to Temporarily Close its Production Plant from March 6 to March 11, 2024 according to a Statement filed with the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) on Wednesday.

The Company Cited the Current low inventory of Manufactured Vehicles and a Shortage of Parts and Components as the Primary Reasons for the temporary Shutdown. The Ongoing Supply Chain Challenges have Significantly impacted the availability of Essential Materials Required for Vehicle Manufacturing.

The Stock filing Stated Based on the Current low level of inventory of Manufactured Vehicles and Shortage of Parts and Components for Manufacturing of Vehicles due to Supply Chain Challenges the Company has decided to Close its Production Plant from 6th March 2024 to 11th March 2024 (both days inclusive).

The Company assured Stakeholders that any Changes to this Plan would be Promptly Updated.

Notably this Marks Indus Motor’s first Production closure announcement in 2024. The company had previously faced similar challenges in August 2023 when it temporarily shut down its plant from August 25 to September 6. During that period, the Company Cited delays in opening Letters of Credit (LC) and inventory Shortages as the Reasons for the Production Halt.

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In a letter addressed to the General manager of the Pakistan Stock Exchange, the Indus Motor Company management explained that the closure was necessary due to the “delay in opening of Letters of Credit (LC) and inventory Shortages.” This time ,too the company finds itself in a Similar Predicament with insufficient inventory levels, leading to the decision to halt Production temporarily.

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Indus Motor Company Remains vigilant and Committed to managing its Operations effectively amidst the ongoing Challenges posed by the disruptions in the Global Supply Chain.

“In facing temporary Production Closures due to Supply chain challenges Indus Motor Company reflects the Broader impact of Global disruptions on the Automobile industry, Highlighting the need for resilient Strategies to Navigate unforeseen Challenges.

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