Drop in Japanese Population

Drop in Japanese Population

Japan’s population fell by a record in 2022, as the country struggles to control its population through birth control. A lot of countries around the globe faced low birthrates but Japan was facing increase in population continously.

The situation became so intense that Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida warned the country on the verge of whether they can continue to function as a society or not.

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After the risk of population increase to an extent that it would damage the society, Japanese government took several reforms to control population.

Resulting in Japanese population fell by 800,523 or 0.65 percent to 122,423,038 from a year earlier as per the survey of internal ministry of Japan.

Steepest Decline ever since

The overall drop in population was the steepest decline in the country recorded since 1968. In comparison, the foreign population of country increased by a record 289,497 to 2993,839, the highest since 2013.

Japan has usually strict immigration rules but the government has been loosening the laws to overcome the shortage of labour issues. The government relaxation after Covid-19 pandemic also increased the foreign population in country.

The top government spokesperson said, “Decline in the number of children and population is an important issue that involves Japan’s social, economic, and societal welfare issues”.

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He added, “The government will work towards prompting women and elderly people to enter the work force through reforms of work styles and labour markets”.

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