Brad Sherman about Pakistani Politicians

Brad Sherman about Pakistani Politicians

American Congressman Brad Sherman said that Imran Khan was somehow difficult to deal with as compare to current PM Shahbaz Shareef. He said that nothing is more important than National polls in Pakistan.

The United States lawmaker while talking to House of Representatives said that, “Some people would say that America would root for whichever political leader styles themselves as more pro-American has been easier for us to deal with on bilateral issue but what comes first is our dedication to democracy and rule of law”.

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America about Pakistan polls

While talking about the polls in Pakistan he said that Democracy and rule of law is the most important thing and America stands with it. Pakistani Supreme Court has ordered to hold elections in Punjab and that is the rule of law.

Sherman also said that US stands with human rights, the right to express opinions and free speech. While expressing his concern about Terrible disappearances, human abuses he shared his clear thoughts.

He assured that Washington stands with its dedication towards democracy and human rights with bilateral concern. Nothing is more important than tranparent, timely and constitutional elections, he added.

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The Congressman also said that, “Nothing is more important in Pakistan than letting whoever wins the elections govern the country”.

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