Dinning with Dead people

Dinning with Dead people

Established over 72 years ago, the Lucky Tea Stall located in Ahmedabad is offering dinning with dead people. The restaurant went viral after a food blogger posted a video of tea shop on his instagram.

The restaurant owner Krishan Kutti brought the land to built a normal restaurant on it. At that time he was unaware of the fact that land is a cemetery.

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Unique Idea of dinning with deads

However, after knowing the fact that place is cemetery and a lot of people are already burried there, his plan was not affected and he built a food joint on it leaving the graves untouched apart from installing iron bars around them.

The sitting area has been built around the graves at the restaurant. Every morning, the staff cleans the graves and adorns them with fresh flowers.

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The renowned artist MF Husain was a frequent patron of the shop. He also gifted a painting of his to the owner of the shop in 1994.

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