Record of $1.5m payment to ‘fake Broadsheet’ missing


ISLAMABAD: The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) received the Broadsheet Inquiry Commission report on Monday, revealing that a record of $1.5 million payment given to the Broadsheet Company was missing. 

Citing the report, a local TV channel reported that the payment-related files were stolen from the ministries of Law, Finance, and the Attorney General’s Office, while a part also went missing from the files of the Pakistani High Commission in London. 

The report pressed that wrong payment cannot be shrugged off as negligence. The commission got all its details from the NAB-given documents. 

The commission that is headed by Justice (retd) Sheikh Azmat Saeed has started its investigation on February 9. The report and attached relevant records are well spread over 500 pages. The commission has recorded statements of 26 witnesses. 

The commission recommended to de-seal the Swiss case record of the former president Asif Ali Zardari. It has unearthed the Swiss cases record that was present in the Record Room of NAB. 

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The former SC judge was appointed as per Pakistan Commissions of Inquiry Act’s section 3 with the following Terms of Reference:

a) To examine the process of appointment and selection of Trouvons LLC, Broadsheet LLC and the International Asset Recovery (IAR) and their agreements in year 2000.

b) To see the circumstances, causes, and effect of the cancellation of agreements with the firms in 2003.

c) To determine and identify the reasons and effect of payments and settlements made on behalf of Pakistan and whether all these payments made were justified.

d) To identify the people responsible for making wrong payments of $1.5 million to the wrong person who was not entitled to get such a payment. Broadsheet, the UK-based asset recovery firm was hired by General Pervez Musharraf in 2000 to recover assets stashed abroad by the past rulers.

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