PPP Demands Elections Under Article 224: Urgency for Swift Delimitation

ppp demands elections under article 224 urgency for swift delimitation

ppp demands elections under article 224 urgency for swift delimitation

The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) has raised its voice in a demand for elections to be held under Article 224 of the constitution. The call for action comes as the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) announced a four month timeline for the constituency delimitation process. The PPP’s Vice President of Parliamentarians, Senator Sherry Rehman, expressed concern over the timeline and emphasized the importance of timely elections.

The ECP’s decision to conduct constituency delimitation over a four-month period has drawn criticism from various quarters, with Senator Sherry Rehman leading the charge on behalf of the PPP. She highlighted that the swift dissolution of assemblies had been strategically executed to provide the ECP ample time for preparations leading to general elections.

Senator Sherry Rehman underscored that the PPP had given its endorsement for elections based on the new census during the Council of Common Interests (CCI) meeting. The understanding was that the existing seats would remain unchanged, thus avoiding any unnecessary delays in the electoral process. Despite reservations about the digital census, the PPP agreed to conduct general elections based on the new census data.

The focus now is on the timeline for delimitation. Which Senator Rehman emphasized should be expedited. Ideally, the delimitation should progress swiftly, ensuring the elections can be held within a 90 day timeframe. The Senator stressed that the party and its supporters were eagerly awaiting the announcement of the election date.

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Senator Sherry Rehman pointed out that any delay in holding the elections would amplify political uncertainty and instability in the nation, which is a scenario that the country cannot afford. As per Article 224 of the constitution, the PPP demands that the Election Commission adheres to the constitutional provision that requires the commission to announce the election date within 90 days of dissolution. In contrast, there exists no such constitutional requirement for conducting delimitation.
The PPP’s call for swift action in accordance with Article 224 underscores the urgency of timely elections to maintain political stability and ensure the democratic process unfolds seamlessly.

Let’s hope for a better future.

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