PM Kakar and President Abbas Call for Urgent Ceasefire and Humanitarian Aid

pakistan and palestine unite pm kakar and president abbas call for urgent ceasefire and humanitarian aid

pakistan and palestine unite pm kakar and president abbas call for urgent ceasefire and humanitarian aid

In a Significant meeting during the Extraordinary Summit of the Organisation of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas joined forces to urgently address the escalating Crisis in occupied Palestine caused by Israeli aggression in Gaza and the West Bank.

Prime Minister Kakar expressing unwavering Solidarity vehemently Condemned the indiscriminate use of force by Israeli occupation forces. The deliberate targeting of Hospitals, refugee camps, Schools, and Residential buildings resulted in the tragic loss of over ten thousand lives and the forced displacement of Palestinian families.

President Abbas acknowledged and appreciated Pakistan’s steadfast Support during this challenging Period emphasizing the principled stance on the right of self-determination for the Palestinian People.

The two leaders underscored the Pressing need for an immediate and unconditional Ceasefire an end to the Gaza siege, and the unimpeded delivery of vital humanitarian aid and medical assistance to the affected Population.

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Kakar and Abbas highlighted the timeliness of the OIC Extraordinary Summit and appealed to the global Community, especially the United Nations and its Pertinent Organizations, to take decisive actions. Their joint plea aimed to uphold principles of justice and humanity putting an end to the tragic suffering of the Palestinian People.

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Prime Minister Kakar reaffirmed Pakistan’s enduring Commitment to a fair resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Grounded in the two-state solution this Commitment envisions the Establishment of a sovereign and viable Palestinian state with Al Quds Al Sharif as its capital aligning with borders that existed before 1967 as enshrined in various OIC Resolutions.

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