The security forces of Pakistan also witnessed slight improvement in the year 2024; they responded with 59,775 operations against terrorism in various regions of the country. Thus under Intelligence direction 925 terrorists were trapped and 73 ‘hard and hardcore’ terrorists besides several formations destroyed. The efforts evidence a system that could be switched on and off to stop emergent security threats within and across borders.
The year proved to be an excellent year in terms of countering terrorism as 925 terrorists were killed among which were important personalities like Fida Rahman (Lala), Ali Rahman, and Abu Yahya etc. Shelter destruction, training centers, suppression of logistical networks: This was on average 169 in the daily operations of the compound missions.
Two more suicide bombers detained avoided extensive devastation in the said area. All these accomplishments elucidate enhanced coordination between three major components of Pakistani state power – its armed forces, intelligence and police to make national security an organizational priority.