Pakistan Raises Alarm at UN, OIC, and EU Over Legality Concerns of Indian Supreme Court’s Kashmir Verdict

pakistan raises alarm at un, oic, and eu over legality concerns of indian supreme court's kashmir verdict

pakistan raises alarm at un, oic, and eu over legality concerns of indian supreme court’s kashmir verdict

In a recent development, Pakistan’s Caretaker Foreign Minister, Jalil Abbas Jilani, has raised concerns over the legality of the Indian Supreme Court’s judgment on the status of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). In letters addressed to the United Nations (UN), Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and the European Union (EU), the foreign minister emphasized that international law prohibits domestic legislation and judicial decisions from determining the final status of a globally acknowledged disputed territory.

The letters condemned India’s actions, particularly the unlawful measures taken on August 5, 2019, aimed at altering the demographic and political landscape of IIOJK. The minister expressed serious concern over India’s attempts to disempower the people of Jammu and Kashmir within their own land.

Foreign Minister Jilani termed the recent Supreme Court judgment as a violation of international law and relevant UN Security Council resolutions, including Resolution 122 (1957). He stressed that the approval of India’s actions does not override the provisions laid out in the UN Security Council resolutions regarding Jammu and Kashmir.

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Jilani urged the UN Security Council to ensure the full implementation of its resolutions on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, calling on India to cease all human rights violations and reverse its illegal actions in IIOJK since August 5, 2019.On Monday, the highest court in India supported the government’s decision to take away some self-rule from a region where most people are Muslim. They said that what the government did in 2019 was allowed, which led to removing special rules (Article 370) and putting the area under direct control from the capital, New Delhi.

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The court also said that Jammu & Kashmir, the region in question, should become a regular part of India like other states, and this should happen as quickly as possible. this decision caused a lot of problems. People were upset, some got arrested, and the government enforced strict rules, making the area quiet. They even stopped communication for a while.

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