Pakistan Hockey Team’s Great Effort at Sultan Azlan Shah Cup

pakistan hockey teams great effort at sultan azlan shah cup (2)

pakistan hockey teams great effort at sultan azlan shah cup (2)

The Pakistan hockey team lost the final of the Sultan Azlan Shah Cup to Japan in a shootout, but they played very well. They showed great fight and skill, reminding everyone of the great Pakistan hockey teams of the past.

Welcome Home Heroes

When the team came back to Pakistan, they got a huge welcome at Lahore Airport. The Prime Minister’s Youth Program Chairman Rana Mashood, former captains, and others cheered them like heroes. This set the stage for a big celebration at the Prime Minister’s House in Islamabad.

Honoring the Champions

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and his ministers honored the team with hockey legends like Samiullah Khan. The PM gave each player Rs. 1 million as a prize. He said their journey to the final was amazing and showed Pakistan can win more in the future.  

Hope for Hockey’s Return

The PM said he will meet the Pakistan Hockey Federation soon to discuss how to bring hockey back to its best in Pakistan. He wants to give the team everything they need to keep winning.

The New Stars

One of the players honored was Abdur Rehman, a young center-forward playing his first big tournament. He was sad about the final loss but said the team cannot wait to beat Japan next time.

Advice from Greats

Hockey greats Samiullah and Islahuddin praised the team, saying their success was not sudden but came after hard work. Samiullah said the PM’s celebration will boost the players’ confidence to win more for Pakistan.

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