Pakistan Gears Up for Inaugural Global Health Security Summit on Jan 10-11

pakistan gears up for inaugural global health security summit on jan 10 11

pakistan gears up for inaugural global health security summit on jan 10 11

Pakistan is Gearing up to Host its inaugural Global Health Security Summi’ on January 10-11 as announced by Caretaker Federal Minister for Health Nadeem Jan. In a recent Statement Minister Jan expressed Pride in Pakistan’s Role as the Summit’s Host Stating that the event will focus on Developing an integrated Strategy to address Global Epidemics.

The Summit Holds Significant importance for Pakistan and Minister Jan highlighted that the Islamabad declaration would be issued at the Conclusion of the Conference. Hosting such a Global event is expected to elevate Pakistan’s Standing in the realm of Health on the World Stage.

Minister Jan Emphasized the Country’s Commitment to Health advancements Citing Ongoing efforts to Enhance the availability of Medicines and the Establishment of Pharmaceutical Parks in Pakistan. He also Stressed the importance of Technology transfer for Molecular Manufacturing, Showcasing Pakistan’s Dedication to leveraging Technological innovations in the Healthcare Sector.

Read More: Caretaker Health Minister Launches Online Registration System at DRAP

Back in October Minister Jan had initially announced Pakistan’s Plan to Host the Global Health Security Summit in November. The Event is Set to bring together Leading Health authorities Officials and Technical experts from across the Globe. By Hosting this Summit Pakistan aims to Showcase its leadership in the field of Health and Contribute to the Global Discourse on Health Security.

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As the World Grapples with Various Health Challenges this Summit Provides an Opportunity for international Collaboration and the Exchange of ideas to Strengthen Global Health Security Measures. Pakistan’s Role as the Host Reflects its Commitment to Fostering Cooperation and finding innovative Solutions to address Health Crises on a Global Scale.

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