Pakistan Fights Polio: New Vaccine Campaign and Bill Gates’ Visit



Pakistan is working hard to get rid of polio, a disease that can make children very sick. This week, the country started giving out polio vaccines in 49 areas. At the same time, Bill Gates, who helps fight diseases around the world, came to Pakistan to talk about how to stop polio for good.

What is the new vaccine campaign?

On Monday, Pakistan began giving polio drops to children in many parts of the country. Here’s what you need to know:

– The campaign is happening in 49 districts across Pakistan

– More than 9.5 million children under 5 years old will get the vaccine

– The vaccine is given as drops in the mouth

– The campaign will last different amounts of time in different places

Which areas are getting the vaccine?

The polio drops are being given in:

– 16 districts in Balochistan

– 11 districts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

– 16 districts in Sindh

– 6 districts in Punjab

– Some parts of Islamabad

How many children will get the vaccine?

Each area has a goal for how many children to vaccinate:

– Balochistan: 900,000 children

– Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: 1.3 million children

– Sindh: 2.7 million children

– Punjab: 4.4 million children

– Islamabad: 133,000 children

Why is this campaign happening now?

There are a few reasons why Pakistan is doing this big vaccine push:

1. More polio cases have been found in Balochistan recently

2. The virus that causes polio has been found in the sewage of 7 districts

3. So far in 2024, there have been 8 cases of polio in Pakistan

4. The campaign focuses on areas where the polio virus keeps showing up

Bill Gates visits Pakistan

While the vaccine campaign is happening, Bill Gates came to Pakistan to help in the fight against polio. Here’s what he did:

– Met with the Prime Minister of Pakistan

– Talked to government leaders

– Visited with health workers who give out polio vaccines

– Discussed how to make Pakistan’s health system better

– Talked about ways to help Pakistan’s economy grow

Why is Bill Gates interested in polio?

Bill Gates and his wife Melinda run a foundation that works to solve big health problems around the world. They have been trying to get rid of polio everywhere for many years. Pakistan is one of the few countries where polio still exists, so it’s very important to stop it here.

What’s next in the fight against polio?

Pakistan will keep working hard to vaccinate all children against polio. The government, health workers, and helpers like Bill Gates will continue to:

– Give out polio vaccines regularly

– Check sewage to find where the virus is hiding

– Teach people about why the vaccine is important

– Try to reach every child, even in hard-to-reach areas

By doing all these things, Pakistan hopes to soon be a country where no child gets sick from polio. This will make life better for all children in Pakistan and help keep the whole world safe from this disease.

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