Karachi: Cold Wave Set to Hit Sindh and Balochistan Coastal Areas Today

karachi cold wave set to hit sindh and balochistan coastal areas today in pakistan navy three commodores promoted to rear admiral

karachi cold wave set to hit sindh and balochistan coastal areas today in pakistan navy three commodores promoted to rear admiral

Attention, Karachiites! Brace yourselves for a chilly turn of events as a cold wave is set to sweep through Sindh and Balochistan’s coastal areas this evening. Balochistan has already experienced its inaugural snowfall of the winter season, with snow blanketing the picturesque landscapes of Toba Achakzai, Toba Kakari, Ziarat, Kanjoghi, and Khwaja Amran.

The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) reported that various areas in Balochistan, such as Chaman, Pishin, Killa Abdullah, Ziarat, Muslim Bagh, and Chaghi, have also been treated to a refreshing bout of rain. The PMD predicts that the rain will persist until Saturday evening in north Balochistan.

According to the weather experts, a western wave is currently causing the extreme winter conditions in northeastern and central Balochistan. This wave is expected to exit the region tomorrow, but not before keeping the mercury below the freezing point for two days in north Balochistan.It’s worth noting that Karachi recently experienced its coldest night of the winter season on December 7, with the mercury plummeting to 13.5°C.

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As the cold wave approaches, residents are advised to bundle up, stay warm, and take necessary precautions to cope with the dropping temperatures.

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So, grab your cozy blankets and hot beverages, Karachiites, as winter tightens its grip on the coastal areas of Sindh and Balochistan.

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