defense and martyrs day remembering heroes
Today is Pakistan’s Defense and Martyrs Day, a day when we honor the brave soldiers and great people who sacrifice their lives to protect our country. Every year on September 6th, we remember the sacrifices made during the 1965 war and other conflicts that kept our nation safe.
Flags at Half-Mast
We start the day by raising our national flag halfway down the flagpole. This shows that we are sad for the Great heroes we lost but also thankful for what they did And we know soldiers never die. They stay alive in the hearts of many.
Salutes and Prayers
On this Day we fire 31-gun salutes in Islamabad and 21-gun salutes in other big cities. We say special prayers at Faisal Mosque in Islamabad, asking for our country to do well and stay safe. Also for the people in Indian illegally Occupied Kashmir to be free. Ameen.
Changing of the Guard
In Karachi, at Quaid-e-Azam Mausoleum, there’s a special ceremony where new guards take their places to protect an important monument. They also remember our heroes.
Learning Together
At schools and colleges, we have talks and discussions to teach young people why this day is important, how significant it holds and what our heroes did for us. This helps them to develop feelings for their Country.
The Prime Minister’s Words
Our Prime Minister also takes part in the ceremony and talks about how special our heroes are and how we should always remember them. How many sacrifices our hero made to save our country. They describe how safely we are sitting in the house because our heroes protect the borders from the enemy and keep our country safe.
Read More: Pakistan Army’s Heroic Cable Car Rescue in Battagram
Sindh Rangers’ Tribute
The Sindh Rangers Qalandar Wing has a big event too. They remember the heroes who defended us. There’s a special mention of a brave police officer named Sub-Inspector Taimur.On Defense and Martyrs Day, all of Pakistan comes together to remember and thank the people who protected our country, even if it meant giving their own lives.