Aafia Siddiqui Meets Sister After 20 Years Amidst Key Controversy

aafia siddiqui meets sister after 20 years amidst key controversy

aafia siddiqui meets sister after 20 years amidst key controversy

Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani neuroscientist, had a special meeting with her sister Fowzia after 20 long years of separation. This reunion took place at a prison hospital in Fort Worth, Texas. The two sisters share  44 minutes together and sharing memorable time.

However, this meeting almost didn’t happen as planned. Dr. Fowzia Siddiqui had initially scheduled to meet Aafia on December 2 and 3, but there was a hiccup. The authorities claimed to have ‘lost’ the key to the prison. In a video statement, Dr. Fowzia expressed her disappointment, explaining that she reached the jail but couldn’t meet Aafia due to the staff misplacing the prison key.

This reunion marked the second time the sisters met this year. The first one occurred in May, breaking two decades of separation. Aafia Siddiqui’s journey was a challenging one. In 2003, the FBI wanted to talk to her because they thought she might be connected to al Qaeda. The authorities in Pakistan caught her, and that led to a chain of events that ended with her being held in the United States.

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US officials made serious allegations against Aafia Siddiqui. They claimed that when she was captured in Afghanistan in July 2008, she was carrying two pounds of sodium cyanide, a highly toxic substance. The notes found on her referred to a potential mass casualty attack, along with a list of US landmarks.
Back in 2003, the FBI was looking for her because they thought she might be linked to al Qaeda.

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The police in Pakistan caught her, and that led to her ending up in prison in the United States.

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