What is Pakistan’s Plan B ?

What is Pakistan's Plan B ?

The United States asked Pakistan about its plan B option in case the International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme ends next week without any finalization of the bailout package of $1.2 billion.

During the meeting between the United States ambassador Donald Blome asked Ishaq Dar about the Plan B, as Pakistani authorities term it, is now the most sought-after blueprint that everyone is waiting for.

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The four-year programme of IMF may meet the same fate as the 21 previous failed programmes. Donald Blome question came after Ishaq Dar briefed about Pakistani government efforts to revive $6.5 billion bailout package.

Fallback plan of Pakistan

The fallback plan of Pakistan states that, authorities would try to advance some of the government-to-government transactions to raise funds, including handing over four ports to United Arab Emirates.

The government is also relying on $100,000 no-questions-asked foreign remmitance amnesty proposed in the budget for next fiscal yeat.

The finance Minister Ishaq Dar also informed the envoy about the progress on the ongoing talks with the IMF. He also explained about the fiscal consolidation that he introduced in the budget, showing a primary budget surplus of Rs 379 billion.

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The US ambassador also expressed his confidence in the policies and programmes of Pakistani government for economic stability and socio-economic uplift. He also extended his support to promote bilateral economic, investment, and trade relations between two countries.

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