81 PTI members towards Jail

81 PTI members towards Jail

Asad Umar, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Ejaz Chohdary and other 500-600 workers are sent to prison under court arrest drive. 81 Top brass members are moved to Kot Lakhpat jail after they presented themself for arrest at Charing cross on The Mall.

PTI supporters moved to Jail Road where they sit in under the leadership of Dr Yasmin Rashid and chanted slogans against the Punjab Government. Videos got viral on social media showing large numbers of PTI workers sitting and protesting against federal government despite the implementation of section-144 in Lahore.

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Interior Minister Rana Sana Ullah told media that we were not in favor of arresting any PTI members but they broke the law and started protesting despite the terrorism threats in the country. 80 members are arrested for breaking the law including top brass of PTI.

Talal Chohdary also reported to media that Imran’s own children are in London living a luxurious life but here he want to arrest the children of this country and put them in jail for his own benefits.

The spokesperson of Punjab Government told that owing to PSL matches in Lahore, section 144 has been imposed in city and security forces are strictly ordered to arrest people who commit violation of this law.

Real Freedom

The PTI members forcefully boarded a police van on The Mall and started sitting in the van. Speaking about the court arrest movement Imran Khan said that this movement is for real freedom from all the culprit leaders of Pakistan.

Read more | PTI Supporter jailed for three years on tweeting against the army

In his recent tweets Imran Khan has said that this movement will bring peace to country and we appreciate the non-violent act during the movement. He added that FIR and NAB cases on our leaders and journalists is totally unaccepted and we need to get over these shameful acts.

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