UAE’s Foreign Aid Exceeds $98.09 Billion: A Lifeline of Global Support and Investment

uaess foreign aid surpasses 98 09bn

(C)Arab News,uaess foreign aid surpasses 98 09bn

The UAE strives to make philanthropy a sustainable and inclusive effort, and has supported nations and communities across the world with its foreign aid. It wants to reduce poverty, alleviate the impact of disasters, promote economic and social development, as well as foster peace and security.

Since its establishment in 1971 to mid-2024, the United Arab Emirates has provided over $98 billion in foreign aid. And today it is marking the International Day of Charity with the world.  The Emirate looks forward to supporting national development, humanitarian, and charity organizations. It wants to expand partnerships with multilateral organizations and create opportunities for private sector engagement for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The UAE Humanitarian Committee supervises foreign aid policies of the country, and coordinates with respective organizations for the beneficiaries. Some of the priority areas that UAE targets through its foreign aid is support for children, transportation, infrastructure, governments support, and women empowerment.

According to UAE official portal, African countries have received the largest portion of the aid, followed by Asian countries, Europe, North and South America, and Oceania, among others. The top 10 recipient countries are India, Pakistan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Yemen, Kenya, Jordan, Gaza, Sudan, and Brazil.

UAE Increases Foreign Aid to Pakistan

Bonded by religion and culture, the UAE shares a brotherly relationship with Pakistan. UAE and Pakistan relations cover all aspects political, economic, social, and strategic. Moreover, the UAE is one of the largest investors in the Southeast Asian country. There are about 2 million Pakistani expatriates working in the Emirates.

Like a big brother, the UAE has been closely following and looking after Pakistan. This is evident in the UAE Pakistan Assistant Program, total cost around $450 million. The program was launched in January 2011. This was used for reconstruction of infrastructure in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Bajaur and South Waziristan.

In recent years, UAE has increased foreign aid to Pakistan to help the country become economically stable amid a debt crisis because of political crisis and natural disasters. In 2022, the Emirate helped Pakistan with an air bridge to transport humanitarian aid worth $13.6 million for the population hit by heavy rains and floods. It included shelter materials, food and medical supplies. 

The following year in January, the UAE helped Pakistan with a $1 billion loan, and an additional $2 billion. In July 2023, it deposited an additional with the country’s central bank to bolster its foreign exchange reserves. And most recently in May 2024, the UAE committed $10 billion for investment in Pakistan.

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