The Amazing Markhor: Pakistan’s National Animal

the amazing markhor pakistans national animal

the amazing markhor pakistans national animal

The Markhor is a huge wild goat. It is super big – almost as heavy as a baby elephant! The Markhor lives way up in the tall mountains in northern Pakistan, like in the Gilgit-Baltistan area.

The coolest thing about the Markhor is its giant twisty horns. The horns curl all the way around in a spiral circle shape. These spiral horns get very long – even longer than most people are tall! A Markhor’s horns can stretch over 5 feet high. That’s taller than a grown-up human! Male Markhors use the big strong horns to fight and battle each other.

Why is it So Special?   

The people of Pakistan chose the mighty Markhor to be their national animal. This means the Markhor represents the whole country and everything Pakistan stands for. The Markhor is so special for a few important reasons:

It is Very Tough

Living way up high in Pakistan’s tough mountain areas is brutal with thin air, bitter cold, and hardly any plants. But the remarkable Markhor has everything it needs to survive and thrive in these harsh conditions that would be unlivable for humans. It is sturdy, resilient, and never gives up easily when life gets difficult – just like Pakistanis who are proud of their ability to endure major hardships and challenges.

Almost Went Extinct

Many years ago, there used to be thousands of Markhors all across the northern Pakistan mountains. Sadly, they were hunted so much for their impressive horns that they almost went extinct or disappeared forever! At one point, there were less than 1,000 Markhors left in the wild. This made many Pakistanis very sad to see their amazing national animal disappearing.

Thankfully, Pakistan and some international groups worked hard to protect the last Markhors and their habitats from more hunting. After years and years of conservation efforts, the Markhor population has grown to over 5,000 again! This comeback story shows how Pakistan deeply values its incredible animals and natural environment and will do whatever it takes to take care of precious species like the Markhor.

It Is Part of Pakistani Culture  

For hundreds and hundreds of years, the mighty Markhor has had an important place in Pakistani culture, arts, traditions, and history. You can see images and symbols of the Markhor painted or sewn onto beautiful pottery, carpets, shawls, wooden carvings, and many other handmade crafts and artworks from all across Pakistan.

There are even ancient Pakistani legends and folktales about brave hunters risking their lives to pursue the elusive, powerful Markhor up in the steep crags. These adventurous stories of man versus Markhor have been passed down for generations. So the Markhor is woven into the cultural identity and heritage of Pakistan in ways that make it very special to the people.

A Good Choice

The Markhor makes an awesome national animal for Pakistan for many reasons! Like many Pakistanis, it lives in high, rugged mountain areas so it is a part of the landscape. It is an extremely tough, resilient creature that never gives up even in the most brutal conditions, inspiring the same perseverance in Pakistanis.

The Markhor was almost lost forever but came back from the brink thanks to people protecting it. This recovery is similar to how Pakistan has bounced back from major challenges throughout its history. And finally, the powerful Markhor is deeply meaningful in Pakistani culture, handicrafts, and folklore going way back.

When Pakistanis see the image of this majestic spiral-horned mountain goat, it fills them with pride for their country’s amazing natural beauty, rich traditions, and determined spirit to keep overcoming obstacles just like the resilient Markhor. That’s why it makes such a perfect national animal!

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