Teenager Kill his friend Over Girlfriend Zinger Burger 

teenager kill his friend over girlfriend zinger burger

teenager kill his friend over girlfriend zinger burger

shocking news from karachi. A young man in Karachi allegedly killed his close friend over an argument involving a burger. Police concluded their investigation on Wednesday and reported that the incident happened when a burger which was ordered for a girlfriend was eaten by the victim.

The victim, 17-year-old Ali Kerio, son of Javed Kerio, a sessions judge in Karachi, was at the house of Daniyal Nazeer Mir Bahar, the accused. Daniyal is the son of Nazir Ahmed Mir Bahar, a retired Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP). The incident took place in the Defence Housing Authority (DHA) Phase V on February 8.

According to the police report, Daniyal invited his girlfriend, Shazia, to his house, where Ali Kerio and his brother, Ahmar Kerio, were also present. Daniyal had ordered two zinger burgers, one for himself and the other for Shazia. However, when Ali took half of one of the burgers, Daniyal became extremely angry. His anger led him to grab his Security Guard’s assault rifle and shoot Ali. Unfortunately, Ali died on the way to the hospital due to his gunshot injuries.

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The investigating officer has completed all the inquiry and submitted the Report to higher Authorities. The report indicate that Daniyal in the criminal. Which led to his arrest and imprisonment. He will stay behind bar untill the legal Proceedings continue. The tragic event has start a spark in the local community and raised concerns about anger Management and access to firearms.

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Ali’s death is a sad reminder of how quickly a minor conflict can turn into a violent  fight with a tragic incident. The case continues to draw attention as it moves through the legal system, with many awaiting justice for the young victim.

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