Pakistan’s IT Exports Soar Under SIFC’s Pro-Business Policies



Although many factors lead to the growth of freelancing platforms, stable currency, and freelancer-friendly policies are two of the most critical aspects.

This stability has been caused by the sustainability of the local base currency, recognized as the Pakistani Rupee. Also more importantly, there is one particular policy that has been implemented recently and has enabled freelancers to transfer their foreign income to local currency accounts. It has been beneficial for Pakistani freelancers to easily avail and spend their well-earned foreign money which has also boosted the freelance IT industry of the country.

State Bank of Pakistan Supports IT Companies

The role of the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has remained crucial in this regard in assisting in the development of the IT sector. A more recent policy change by the central bank is to have relaxed the retention limits from 35% to 50% for IT firms, which gives the companies more leeway in their cash flow management. The effects of moving up the value chain in this process have empowered IT companies to retain a higher proportion of their foreign revenues, thus being in a position to reinvest in their operations and the subsequent growth of their businesses.

SIFC’s Focus on IT Sector Promotion

Is an area that has been considered by SIFC important in the promotion as a result of the realization of its centrality to the economic growth of any nation. Through this, the organization has fostered involvement with all stakeholders with the conditions that are suitable for the IT industry. The bilateral and multilateral cooperation approaches have enhanced the evolution of the positive policies and measures that drive the expansion of the sector.

Abundance of IT Talent Fuels Foreign Earnings

The positive aspect of Pakistan is that the country has a strong supply of IT graduates and freelancers which helps in the boost up of the sector. Most of them receive their income from multinational companies thus adding to the foreign exchange earnings. These have been instrumental in scaling up the IT exports and have cemented the sector as being extremely vital for economic growth.

Fostering Innovation Culture in Information Technology Environment

Innovation is always at the forefront of the advancement of any market and field, and SIFC has shifted its focus to encourage innovation in the IT market. Currently, Pakistan’s IT Sector is on the right track of burgeoning growth with more elements of creativity and technological incorporation hence, they can brilliantly sustain their competitive network in the world market.

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