Pakistani Pilgrims Prepare for the Sacred Journey of Hajj



It will begin transferring the pilgrims to the holy city of Mina starting this Thursday for the Pakistani Hajj Mission in Saudi Arabia. This heralds the onset of the annual hajj season of the Muslims, starting from Friday. Speaking to the media during this visit aimed at assessing the conditions of Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia, Chaudhry Salik Hussain, the Religious affairs minister of Pakistan revealed the said plans.

The Basic Quests of the Pilgrimage

Mina is one of the cities in Muslim holylands which is considered to be the beginning of the hajj journey. Here they shall be dedicating a considerable chunk of their time to devote themselves spiritually before proceeding to another area called the plain of Arafat. Arafat is observed on the ninth of a month known as Dhul Hijjah and it is generally regarded as the biggest day of hajj. Thus, on this day, devotees, who are mostly Muslims, perform special prayers, meditate, and ask for forgiveness for their sins where they surrender to Allah.

The Symbolic Rituals

This will be after the Day of Arafat when pilgrims will be moving to the Plain of Muzdalifah at night. Here, they will gather pebbles which they will use to throw at the devil at Jamarat symbolically. This rite characterizes avoiding sin and temptations in the Hebrew people’s culture. Last but not least the pilgrims will complete their rites by observing Eid Al-Adha, one of the two Islamic festivals to be celebrated throughout the world, this ceremony includes slaughtering an animal. The sacred act is aimed at celebrating the fact of Prophet Ibrahim’s readiness to sacrifice his son at Allah’s request.

Facilitating the Pilgrims

Chaudhry Salik Hussain, Minister of Pakistan, stressed that the Pakistani Hajj Mission keeps working actively to guarantee comfortable conditions in Mina and Arafat. All the hajj assistants and paramedical staff will be available and will stay with the pilgrims within Mina to sort out any issues of concern or to attend to their needs.

Staying Informed

The religious affairs ministry has informed pilgrims that they will receive notifications about the animal sacrifice through the Pak Hajj app. Those who have already deposited the sacrifice amount with the ministry will have their sacrifices completed between the Dhuhr (midday) and Asr (late afternoon) prayers on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah.

Collaboration with Private Companies

During the visit, Minister Chaudhry Salik Hussain also conferred with private hajj companies and travel agents. They were ordered to make all the arrangements in terms of facilities and electronic gadgets and services to ensure that the pilgrims’ spiritual journey should be a comfortable one only with pleasure and with no hassle.

The Significance of Hajj

Hajj is one of the five fundamental roots of Islam and it is an obligation of the devotee with no regard to their sex, age, and condition, but they are expected to be sound in body and pocket. It means balance, and whilst bowing people submit to the will of Allah. The hajj is a pilgrimage experience most Muslims try to undertake only once in their lifetime, but any who do it, are spiritually restored and enriched.

When Pakistanis plan to perform this noble duty, the government and other responsible religious bodies are doing everything possible to secure the lives, needs, and well-being of these people as well as make it possible for the pilgrims to receive fruitfully this holy journey.

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