Pakistan Tries to Make Chinese Workers Safer After Attacks



Chinese human assets in the shape of workers are facing many challenges in Pakistan. In the last few weeks, some people have attacked them. The three worst attacks were carried out in a week with the last one occurring on March 26. A suicide bomber targeted and ‘ detonated’ his payload near the Chinese nationals who were heading to work on a large project.

People Are Getting Worried

These attacks are making all the people to be a bit worried. Both countries are following many large-scale projects as we see they are buying and implementing projects like CPEC. They are constructing roads, electricity generating systems, and other essential structures. The CPEC is a joint effort with Chinese cooperation and is assisted by its all-weather strategic partner, Pakistan. It’s an important piece for China’s BRI which envisions connectivity of several countries.

That was done by Pakistan and after these attacks, Pakistani leaders are struggling to repair what has been done. The other on scene was a man by the name of Mohsin Naqvi who had an important meeting on Saturday. He is the man whom the maintenance of security in Pakistan rests on his shoulders. During the discussion in the meeting, the issue of how to safeguard overseas workers especially the Chinese was covered.

Important Safety Rules

Listening to Naqvi that controversy comes with important safety rules that must be obeyed. He ordered all the security people to leave and come together as one unit. This group felt the necessity to protect Goodwill from the evil-doers, who plan to attack foreign workers.

China is worried too. A top Chinese official named Liu Jianchao visited Pakistan on Friday. He said these safety problems are making Chinese businesses scared. They might only want to work in Pakistan if it’s safe.

Liu said feeling safe is more important than money. If Chinese workers don’t feel safe, they won’t want to come to Pakistan. This could be bad for both countries. They need each other to finish these big projects.

There are different reasons why people are attacking Chinese workers. Some attackers have strong religious beliefs and don’t like foreigners. Others want to separate from Pakistan and make their own country.

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