Judge’s wife gets bail in house help torture case

judge's wife gets bail in house help torture case

judge’s wife gets bail in house help torture case

In a recent development in Islamabad, Somia Asim, the wife of civil judge Asim Hafeez, who had been facing allegations of brutally torturing her 14-year-old house help, was granted bail by a local court.

This decision comes after Somia had been in custody since her arrest last month when shocking accusations of inhumane treatment and physical abuse of a minor girl named Rizwana came to light on July 25.

During a hearing before additional sessions Judge Mohammad Haroon, various stakeholders in the case, including the investigation officer, prosecutor, defense lawyer, complainant’s lawyer, and Rizwana’s family, were present.

Somia’s defense lawyer, Ghulam Dastgir, presented pictures from a family trip to northern areas, where Rizwana had accompanied them.

Dastgir argued that the pictures showed bruises on Rizwana’s face, suggesting that her wounds were not new or caused by recent torture.

However, this argument was contested by the complainant’s lawyer, Faisal Jutt.

Despite the ongoing medical treatment for Rizwana, who is still unable to walk, the court accepted Somia’s bail plea, requiring her to submit surety bonds of Rs100,000 for her release.

Rizwana, who ended up in a hospital in Lahore with some really bad injuries. Her parents pointed fingers at Somia, who happens to be married to a judge, saying she hurt their daughter.

On the other side of the story, Somia and her husband, Judge Asim Hafeez, have been saying something else. They claim that Rizwana’s injuries didn’t come from any harm they did. Instead, they say it was because Rizwana got a skin infection from eating dirt. To make sure Somia wouldn’t be arrested right away, they got a special permission called “pre-arrest bail.”

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Now, there’s been a new development. Somia has been allowed to leave jail for a while, thanks to “bail.” But this decision has made people wonder how the law is working and if the investigation is going well.

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