Extreme Heat Causes Many Deaths in Pakistan



It is summer time and right now Karachi which is the largest city and a major financial hub of Pakistan is experiencing very hot conditions. This heat is resulting in a lot of issues. Within six days the death toll has crossed 500. This is a lot more than usual With this word usage pair, a certain contrast is being conveyed compared to the regularly provided quantity. Generally, the reported deaths in Karachi city are anything between 30 to 40 a day. Yet now, the heat is killing many more people. The climate is pretty warm and it becomes very difficult for people to keep cool. Some do not even have AC or even a fan to help them cool before the night comes. 

Some individuals are required to work and be in the outside environment exposed to the sun’s heat. This makes it even harder for them to stay safe and get out of the violent heat waves on their own. The city is contributing all the efforts it can but there are so many people that it has become hard to sort all of them. People need to drink lots of water and if possible remain indoors, this is according to doctors. However, for many destitute individuals, this is not possible.

Why Is It So Hot?

The temperature in Karachi has gone above 40°C (104°F). This is very, very hot. But it feels even hotter because of something called humidity. Humidity is the amount of water in the air. When it’s humid, sweat doesn’t dry off your skin easily. This makes it harder for your body to cool down. Weather experts say that with the humidity, it feels like 49°C (120°F) in Karachi. 

That’s so hot that it’s dangerous for people to be outside for long. The experts also say this extreme heat is going to last until next week. This means people will have to be very careful for many more days. They need to drink lots of water, stay in the shade, and try not to work too hard outside.

Climate Change Makes Heat Worse

Scientists who study the weather and climate have noticed something important. They say that climate change is making hot weather happen more often. It’s also making the hot weather more intense when it does happen. Climate change is when the Earth gets warmer because of things people do, like burning oil and coal. 

This warming makes it easier for very hot days to happen. In the past, a city like Karachi might have had a few very hot days each year. But now, because of climate change, they might have many more very hot days. This is bad for people’s health and can cause other problems too. Scientists think that in the future, cities like Karachi might see even more heatwaves if climate change continues.

Who Is Most at Risk?

When it gets very hot, some people are in more danger than others. In Karachi, many of the people who died were drug addicts living on the streets. These people are more likely to get sick from the heat because they have no home to go to where it’s cool. They might not have enough water to drink, and they have to stay outside all day and night in the hot weather. Old people are also in danger when it’s very hot. 

Their bodies don’t cool down as easily as younger people’s bodies. Young children can get sick from the heat too, especially babies. People who are already sick with other illnesses might get worse in very hot weather. It’s important for everyone to check on their neighbors, especially if they are old or live alone, to make sure they are okay in the heat.

Other Problems Caused by the Heat

The very hot weather is causing more problems than just making people sick. In Karachi, there are power cuts happening. This means that sometimes, the electricity stops working. When this happens, people can’t use their fans or air conditioning to stay cool. This makes the heat even more dangerous. Also, because so many people have died, the city is running out of places to keep the bodies. 

This is a sad and difficult problem. The heat is also making it hard for people to work. Some jobs, like construction or farming, are very hard to do when it’s so hot outside. This can hurt the city’s economy. The heat can also damage roads and other things in the city. When it’s very hot for a long time, plants and trees can die too. This is bad for the environment and can make the city even hotter.

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