(C)Dawn,explosive trump biopic to hit us theatres before election reports
The explosive biopic about Donald Trump’s younger years caused shockwaves at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2024. The most violent and talked about scene of the film shows Trump raping his first wife Ivana after she leaves him for growing fat and bald.
In real life, Ivana accused Trump of raping her during their divorce proceedings but later revoked the accusation. She died in 2022.
The movie also shows Trump’s health issue with erectile dysfunction, and undergoing liposuction and surgery for hair loss. After the film was released, there was havoc created resulting in the Republican Presidential candidate’s going after the producers of the film and suing them, calling the film garbage, and pure malicious defamation.
Further complicating the film release was the fact that one of its early financial backers was pro Trump billionaire Dan Snyder who was displeased with the depiction of the former US President in the film and sought to block the release.
The film is set to release on 11 Oct 2024. Sebastian Stan plays the lead where he represents New York property business tycoon Donald Trump in his initial years.
The screenplay is written by Gabriel Sherman, professionally a journalist who covered the real estate for the New York Observer and regularly spoke to Trump.
The film depicts an ambitious yet naive Trump climbing up the steps in the social system desperately trying to negotiate the cutthroat competition of Manhattan’s property business and politics.
But his decency gets slowly eroded as he learns the dark art of dealmaking and power from his mentor Roy Cohn played by Jeremy Strong. The film is directed by Ali Abbasi and is titled “The Apprentice”.