Energy Minister Says: No Intentions To Scrap Solar Net Metering Policy

energy minister says no intentions to scrap solar net metering policy

energy minister says no intentions to scrap solar net metering policy

Awais Ahmad Khan Leghari, The Energy Minister stated that the government has no plans to stop the solar net metering policy. The Energy Minister gave this statement after so many media reports speculated that the government is planning to replace the Solar Net Metering system with a new system. The net metering system is suitable for the people.

This system allows the people to sell extra solar system’s produced electricity back to the company which distributes the power which further helps in cutting down the expenditure on the electricity bills.

Energy Minister Denies Intentions To Change Solar Net Metering Policy

However, if the gross metering method is opted for, the electricity produced by the rooftop panels of the people goes into the national grid, which the people have to buy from the electricity distribution company DISCO, which in turn reduces the financial advantage.

At a press conference organised at the Lahore Electric Supply Company headquarters, the energy minister Awais Ahmad rejected the speculations of media reports and stated that the government supports the shift to solar net metering policy as it was initiated by Nawaz Sharif from PML-N party while serving his last tenure as the prime minister of the country. The minister stated that, “In 2017 solar net metering scheme was introduced by the PML-N party and we will continue with this scheme and will also encourage this scheme as it is very close to the heart of Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif ”.

The minister also added that the party is very proud of the solar net metering policy as it has provided benefits to many people.

Energy Minister Gives Assurance

The energy minister Awais Ahmad Khan Leghari assured the people who have solar net metering systems will not face any problems. The minister also mentioned that the government will encourage this system in the future. He also revealed that in 2017 when the system was introduced not many people opted for this system because the solar panels are expensive but with time there has been a 125% increase in applications. Presently 0.3% of people have rooftop solar net metering connections.

Talking about other issues related to the power sector, the minister highlighted that the electricity demand has dropped by 8% due to slow industrial growth.

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