Da’ish Claims Responsibility for Twin Explosions in Iran: Retaliation and Rising Tensions

da'ish claims responsibility for twin explosions in iran retaliation and rising tensions

da’ish claims responsibility for twin explosions in iran retaliation and rising tensions

The militant group known as Da’ish, ISIS or ISIL has Claimed Responsibility for the Twin Explosions in Iran that occurred during a memorial for the late Commander Qassem Soleimani. The Attacks took Place in the Southeastern City of Kerman resulting in Nearly 100 Fatalities and Numerous injuries.

The Group asserted that two of its Members Detonated Explosive Belts in the Crowded Cemetery. Iran attributing the Explosions to Terrorists has Vowed Revenge, Marking the Deadliest Attacks Since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. A total of 284 People including Women and Children were Wounded in the twin Blasts.
Iran’s First Vice President, Mohammad Mokhber emphasized a Strong Retaliation against those Responsible. The Iranian Government has Condemned the attacks as a Heinous Crime and the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has Pledged Revenge.

In response to the UN Security Council’s Condemnation of the Cowardly Terrorist Attack, Iranian Citizens in Various Cities including Kerman Participated in Protests Chanting Slogans like Death to Israel and Death to America.

The Revolutionary Guards Corps Characterized the Attacks as a Cowardly act aimed at Creating insecurity and Seeking Revenge against the Nation’s Devotion to the Islamic Republic. As the Iranian authorities call for mass protests during the victims’ funerals tensions remain high. Da’ish had Previously Claimed Responsibility for a 2022 Attack on an Iranian Shrine that Resulted in 15 Deaths.

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The United States Denying any involvement in the Explosions, Stated that it had no Reason to Believe Israel was involved. The Blasts appear to Represent a Terrorist attack Consistent with Da’ish’s Past Activities.

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Tensions Between Iran and its Archenemies, Israel and the United States have been Exacerbated by recent Events including the US Assassination of Soleimani and Israel’s Military actions Against Iran-Backed Groups in Gaza. Baluchi Militants and Ethnic Arab Separatists have also been Responsible for attacks in Iran. The Geopolitical Landscape Remains Volatile with Regional Conflicts and Longstanding Animosities Contributing to Heightened Tensions.

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