Wednesday the Islamabad Anti-Terrorism Court (ATC) considered the bail applications of the people arrested during the PTI protest on November 26. Defence lawyers said that their accused have been unjustly associated arguing that the arrests are politically motivated.
In cross-examination the defendant disclosed that all the detainees were Afghan nationals and some Pakistanis, it was further submitted that all Afghan nationals were arrested from Karachi Company and Trinol Islamabad. As for now, out of 146 detained people, 421 have been named as the accused, the lawyers said to the court.
They also claimed that the evidence is weak; no video recording, no private witnesses, or any credible technology like geo-fencing or CDR. ‘It is now clear that some of these individuals have been given fabricated recoveries and have been made scapegoats,’ they said.
The defence also complained about the investigative process arguing that investigation officers were absent in 14 cases related to bail applications.
The prosecutor told the court that the record of the case will be availed shortly. The judge Abu Al-Hasanat Zulqarnain also complained about the delays stating that if the documents were not submitted soon he would summon the DIG directly.
The court has reserved its order on the bail petitions while the case continues pending political bias and procedural irregularity claims.