UAE Launches $100 Million Lebanon Relief Campaign with Medical Aid Flight

uae launches 100 million lebanon relief campaign with medical aid flight

(C)The Nationals,uae launches 100 million lebanon relief campaign with medical aid flight

The United Arab Emirates has launched a large-scale humanitarian action called “The UAE is with you, Lebanon” according to the instruction of the president Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The campaign starts with a medical aid flight with 40 tonnes of essential commodities to Lebanon and is set to cost $100 million.

Medical Aid Takes Flight

The first relief flight took off from Al Maktoum Airport in Dubai with essential medical aid in support of the World Health Organization. This fast response clearly shows giant strides by the UAE in offering humanitarian assistance as well as clearly showing that there exists a close cordial friendship between the two nations. The aid package is intended for medical purposes urgently required in Lebanon, with special emphasis on those who are in difficulty due the situation at the moment.

The medical supplies are not the only part of a package that the UAE is providing for Lebanon’s desperate situation. Maintaining the message of the UAE leadership’s timely response to crises around the world, this initiative was underlined by Minister of State for International Cooperation Reem bint Ebrahim Al Hashimy.

Security and Stability in a specific region

The UAE has shown deep concern with the developing situation in Lebanon, and its possible consequences for the region. With this aid campaign, the Emirates redoubles its support for the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Lebanon. With regard to the UAE’s diplomacy, the country is more actively appealing to the international environment to increase its efforts to prevent the intensification of the conflict and paying attention to the protection of civilians under international law.

Unlike the previous humanitarian operations which are solely focused on providing medical aid to the sick, this is a long term venture of regional security and human security. This strategy is useful and diplomatic, and revealing the UAE’s role in the Middle East as an active negotiator and a helper to countries where conflicts take place.

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