Why Hardik Pandya and Natasha Stankovic Got Divorced

why hardik pandya and natasha stankovic got divorced

(C)Mint,why hardik pandya and natasha stankovic got divorced

One of the finest cricketers from India, Hardik Pandya, and his wife, a popular Bollywood actress named Natasha Stankovic, are no longer together in wedlock. News about their divorce sent their fans into despair. Hardik announced this divorce on social media in July. The prime reason behind their divorce was that Hardik and Natasha were too different from each other.

Hardik’s Personality

Those close to the couple say that Hardik liked to show off a lot. He would act as if he was really great and special. This is referred to as being “flamboyant.” Hardik also had a pretty high opinion of himself.

Natasha’s Struggle

Natasha found Hardik’s behavior too much to tolerate. She was always putting up with him, but it was beyond her capacity. She couldn’t take it anymore after some time.

Natasha Started Everything Right 

At the beginning Natasha made good efforts to make their marriage a success. She tried mainly in two ways:

1. She tried to change herself so as to better match Hardik’s temperament.

2. Eventually, she was also trying to change Hardik’s nature so that he could become more like her.

But nothing appeared to work if done by Natasha. They were just too different.

After many strivings and trials, Natasha finally reached the conclusion that their marriage just could no longer work. She viewed that, for both of them, it was best to end the marriage. This had been a very hard choice, yet Natasha felt it was necessary.

Thinking of Their Son

Natasha and Hardik have a little boy named Agastya. When making the decision to divorce, Natasha thought about what would be best for their son too. She believed that ending the marriage would be better for Agastya in the long run.

Moving Back Home

She returned to her native country, Serbia, after the divorce. She took Agastya with her. This was a landmark move; the relationship is fraught with problems.

This story teaches us the importance of having much in common with your partner in a relationship. When two partners have too many differences on the most fundamental things, it gets very hard for them to be happy together. Sometimes, even when people really do try hard, they decide it is better to finish with the relationship.

Importance of Compatibility

The love story of Hardik and Natasha reminds every one of us about the importance of compatibility. This means having parallel forms of thinking, behaving, and seeing life matters. When a couple is compatible, staying happy together for a long time is made possible.

In the end, Hardik and Natasha tried their best, but the differences between them both were too vast. The way they did might be sad to their fans, but they made a choice they thought was best for them and for their son.

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