How to Check CNIC Number With Mobile Number



Looking for your CNIC number but can’t find your card? Don’t worry! You can easily get this important information using just your phone. The CNIC, or Computerized National Identity Card, is a key document for Pakistani citizens. In this guide, I’ll show you some simple ways to find your CNIC number without needing a physical card. Whether you’re at home or on the go, these methods will help you access your CNIC number quickly and easily.

Checking Your CNIC Number on the PTA Website

You can use the PTA website. PTA takes care of phones in Pakistan. Here’s what to do:

  1. Open the PTA website.
  2. Find “SIM Information System” on the site.
  3. Put in your phone number.
  4. Type in the funny code you see.
  5. Click “Submit” or “Check.”
  6. If it works, you’ll see your CNIC number!

Finding Your CNIC Number by Sending a Text Message

  1. Use your own phone: Make sure you’re using the phone that’s linked to your CNIC.
  2. Write a special message: You need to type a special code in your text to NADRA. Ask your phone company what this code is.
  3. Send to a special number: Your text needs to go to a special phone number – NADRA. Ask your phone company for this number too.
  4. Wait a bit: Soon, you’ll get a text back with your CNIC number!

What to Do If It Doesn’t Work

Sometimes things don’t work like we want. If you can’t get your CNIC number, don’t worry! You can:

  1. Call the phone company and ask for help.
  2. Go to a NADRA office. They make the CNIC cards.
  3. Ask a grown-up you trust to help you.
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