UAE’s Humanitarian Efforts in Gaza: Balancing Diplomacy and Aid Amidst Conflict

uaes humanitarian efforts in gaza balancing diplomacy and aid amidst conflict

uaes humanitarian efforts in gaza balancing diplomacy and aid amidst conflict

In the still-ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, the UAE has emerged as one of the largest givers of humanitarian aid to Gaza. The paper considers the multi-track approach of UAE humanitarian aid efforts to Gaza, nuanced diplomatic strategies, and challenges encountered in having a lasting impact on the conflict. As the war enters its tenth month, the UAE’s efforts reflect both the rise of its regional influence and the limitations of its diplomatic reach.

UAE Humanitarian Mission in Gaza

The UAE has established full-scale operations in El-Arish, a small town in the North Sinai of Egypt, some 50 kilometers from Gaza. This is the seat for the Emirates’ humanitarian operations. The UAE has utilized a mixed team of government officials, volunteers, and medical professionals, all of whom could easily be recognized in their distinctive attire marked with the UAE flag.

To this respect, UAE supervisory official Sultan Mohammed Al Shamsi has observed that the country has so far put in an estimated $700 million towards relief operations since the outbreak of the conflict. This large financial investment reflects the great importance attached by the UAE to the requirement for playing a truly vital role in responding to the humanitarian crisis resulting from the war.

Medical Care: Foundation of UAE Aid

The primary focus of the humanitarian initiatives by the UAE has been to provide medical assistance to the victims of this war. The Emirates has set up two primary medical camps:

1. Field Hospital in Rafah: Located in southern Gaza, this field hospital has witnessed nearly 50,000 patients treated since its inception, which, in its way, establishes the necessity for medical services in this conflict-zone area.

2. Floating Hospital: In a rather unique mode of healthcare delivery, the UAE has placed one of its medical facilities on board a ship that is moored in the Mediterranean Sea, off Gaza, and has increased its capacity to provide medical assistance.

These medical initiatives reflect a sense of urgency to address the short-term health needs in Gaza and demonstrate the capability of carrying out innovative solutions in harsh environments.

Effective Diplomacy and Regional Influence

 The UAE’s humanitarian efforts in Gaza are intertwined with its broader diplomatic strategies in the region. Over the past few years, the Emirates have:

1. Formed diplomatic relationship with Israel; aimed at changing the overall regional polity.

2. Strengthened its relationship with Egypt, also including a whopping $35bn investment to help Egypt’s economy and pave the way for an International Monetary Fund rescue package.

It’s the UAE’s ambition to put itself in a position of being an influencer in the overall political developments in the region concerning likely engagement in the future governance and security arrangements of Gaza.

Challenges and Limitations

Despite all such monumental humanitarian and diplomatic efforts by the UAE on this issue, it is plagued by many issues to leave a lasting impression regarding the Israel-Hamas conflict:

1. Continuing Violence: The war doesn’t seem to be dying down at all, which directly limits the effectiveness of any sort of humanitarian aid and all diplomatic efforts taken.

2. Israeli Resistance: By and large, the Israeli leadership has dismissed international calls for a truce, including those from its regional partners.

3. Public Opinion: The UAE faces immense criticism in the Arab world as a result of its normalization of relations with Israel, and pressure mounts from the Emirates to show something positive done for the Palestinian cause.

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