Tragic Bus Accident in Pakistan Leaves 28 Dead

tragic bus accident in pakistan leaves 28 dead

tragic bus accident in pakistan leaves 28 dead

The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Shehbaz Sharif, did something quickly after learning about the bad accident. He said he felt very sorry for the families who lost people they loved. The Prime Minister’s office put out a statement saying, “We are with the families who are so sad right now, and we feel very bad for their loss.” He also prayed that those who were hurt in the tragic crash would get better soon.

Rescue and Relief Efforts at the Site

According to Muhammad Ismail Mengal, the assistant commissioner in Baseema, where the incident occurred, the bus was traveling from Gwadar to Quetta. When it reached Kalghali in the Baseema sub-division of Balochistan’s Washuk district, one of the bus’s tires burst. This caused the vehicle to lose control and fall down from the mountainous highway.

In addition to the 28 people who died, 27 individuals were injured, with four of them reported to be in critical condition. Rescue teams acted quickly, with plans for a Pakistan Army helicopter to airlift the critically injured individuals to Quetta for immediate medical attention. The remaining injured passengers were taken to the Combined Military Hospital in Khuzdar for treatment.

Nation Mourns and Stands Together

Balochistan’s Chief Minister Mir Sarfaraz Bugti was also very sad about the tragic accident. He said, “I am deeply saddened that valuable lives were lost in the bus accident. We share the sadness of the families who lost their relatives.” The whole nation is mourning together and offering condolences and support to the families affected by this heartbreaking tragedy.

Need for Better Road Safety

Sadly, deadly accidents happen too much on roads in Pakistan. This is because people do not follow traffic rules. Also, the roads are not good, especially in rural and mountain areas. The bad accident in Washuk district shows that Pakistan really needs to make roads safer. They need better roads and stronger rules for drivers to follow so terrible accidents like this do not happen again.

Nation Helps After Bad Accident 

While the nation is dealing with how awful this accident was, the main focus is on helping the victims and their families. People also need to look at why these kinds of tragic accidents happen on Pakistan’s roads and try to fix those problems.

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