Punjab caretaker govt bans non-sterile eye injections causing vision loss

punjab caretaker govt bans non sterile eye injections causing vision loss

punjab caretaker govt bans non sterile eye injections causing vision loss

In a recent development the caretaker government in Punjab has taken strict action to protect the eyesight of the citizens. Numerous reports of people suffering from vision loss, especially in Lahore.  The provincial government has imposed a two week ban on the sale and use of Avastin for eye treatments. This decision came after a meeting led by Punjab’s caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi. Meeting which was happened in collaboration with health officials and eye specialists.

Avastin is a drug which is mostly used for cancer treatment. It has been used in a great amount for ophthalmology-related procedures. However, concerns arose when it was discovered that a significant number of diabetes patients in Lahore had experienced vision impairment due to substandard injections. Sadly this problem wasn’t limited to Lahore. Similar cases emerged in other Punjab cities like Multan and Sadiqabad. To date, a total of 68 cases of vision impairment have been reported in the province.

In response to this alarming situation, CM Naqvi has not only taken decisive action by banning the use of Avastin for eye treatments but he has also pledged free medical treatment for those affected by these substandard injections. This was a humble move taken by the government’s commitment to the well-being of its citizens and their right to quality healthcare.

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The ban on Avastin’s usage will remain in place until comprehensive quality checks are conducted to ensure the safety and efficacy of the drug for eye treatments. This temporary measure aims to stop the disease from further harm while investigations are happening.

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The Punjab caretaker government’s quick response to the crisis of vision impairment demonstrates its dedication to the health and welfare of the people. By banning non-sterile eye injections and providing free medical care to those who are affected.  Pakistan  government is sending a clear message that the safety and well-being of its citizens are top priorities.

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