PTI Demands Fair Allocation of Reserved Seats for Sunni Ittehad Council

pti demands fair allocation of reserved seats for sunni ittehad council

pti demands fair allocation of reserved seats for sunni ittehad council

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party has made a big request. They want the Supreme Court to give the Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC) its fair share of 78 reserved seats in the government. The PTI says that no other party should get the seats that are meant for the SIC. This issue is very important for the PTI and the SIC.

The PTI leader, Barrister Gohar Ali Khan, spoke to the media. He said that the PTI wants the Supreme Court to give the 78 reserved seats to the SIC. He said that no other party should get these seats because they belong to the SIC. Gohar Ali Khan hopes that the Supreme Court will make its decision based on the rules in the Constitution.

Both the PTI and the SIC are very clear about what they want. Gohar Ali Khan remembered a time when the PTI’s election symbol, the bat, was taken away from them. This was not fair to the PTI.

Another PTI leader, Amir Dogar, said that 240 million Pakistanis are looking to the Supreme Court to solve this issue. He said that it should be an easy decision. Amir Dogar is sad that the PTI did not get its fair share of seats. He hopes that the Supreme Court judges will fix this problem for the SIC.

PTI’s Kanwal Shauzab talked about the mistakes made by the Election Commission. These mistakes were discussed in the court. She said that the PTI is the biggest party in Pakistan, but people have tried to take away its seats. This happened when the PTI’s election symbol was taken away.

The PTI leaders all want the same thing. They want their party to get the right number of seats. The number of seats should match the number of votes people gave to PTI. PTI leaders say the constitution of Pakistan says this should happen. The constitution is the big rule book for the country. 

PTI wants the Supreme Court to make sure the election rules are followed properly. They want the Supreme Court to check that all votes were counted correctly. PTI thinks they did not get a fair number of seats based on the votes people gave them. They want the Supreme Court to fix this and give them the right number of seats.

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