Pakistan Conducts Anti-Terror Operations in Afghanistan, Urges Joint Efforts for Regional Peace

pakistan conducts anti terror operations in afghanistan, urges joint efforts for regional peace (1)

pakistan conducts anti terror operations in afghanistan, urges joint efforts for regional peace (1)

Pakistan conducted a smart move against terrorists hiding across the border in Afghanistan. They targeted a dangerous group called the Hafiz Gul Bahadur Group, which is part of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). These terrorists have caused a lot of trouble in Pakistan, killing many innocent people and soldiers.

The Pakistani government has been telling the Afghan government for two years now about these terrorists hiding in Afghanistan. They’ve asked Afghanistan to help stop them because they keep launching attacks from Afghan territory into Pakistan. Pakistan wants peace and safety for its people.

Pakistan really cares about Afghanistan’s independence and safety. They’ve always tried to talk and work together to fight terrorism.

Pakistan respects the people of Afghanistan a lot. But some powerful people in Afghanistan are helping these terrorists, which is not right. Pakistan has been a good friend to Afghanistan for a long time and want be be good friends.

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These terrorists not only threaten Pakistan but also the whole region’s peace. Pakistan understands that Afghanistan is having a hard time dealing with these terrorists, so they want to help find solutions together.

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On 16th March, terrorists attacked a security post in Mir Ali, North Waziristan. Pakistani soldiers bravely fought back, but unfortunately, some lost their lives. Among the brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives were Havildar Sabir, Naik Khurshid, Sepoy Nasir, Sepoy Raja, and Sepoy Sajjad. Even Lieutenant Colonel Syed Kashif Ali and Captain Muhammad Ahmed Badar fought bravely but sadly lost their lives.
Pakistan is determined to fight terrorism and wants to have good relations with Afghanistan. They hope both countries can work together to stop these terrorists from causing any more harm.

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