144 cybercrime officers service a country of 240 million; thus, the systemic gap in Pakistan’s fight against gender-based violence is glaring. Such important issues brought into sharp focus on Human Rights Day call for immediate and all-rounded action.
The combination of the UN’s UNiTE campaign and Human Rights Day is a clear call for a powerful and sustained response. Hence women’s safety or the lack of it, has become a war zone both in cyber and physical realms, and technology-enabled violence is the new normal. Although, Pakistan has enacted laws such as the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act; enforcement is lackluster, As, FIA’s Cyber Crime Wing has only 144 officers for a population of more than 240 million.
Therefore, specialists and activists speak about a kind of an effective approach that would involve the legal change, cultural change, and improved services. Nonetheless, civil society organisations together with governmental and non-governmental organisations should take further measures to change the attitudes, improve the assistance to survivors, and make proportionate legal amendments for addressing the gender based violence in Pakistan.