Lahore’s Opium Factory Reopens After 11 Years What You Need to Know

lahore's opium factory reopens after 11 years

lahore’s opium factory reopens after 11 years

After being Closed for over a Decade, the Government Opium Alkaloid Factory in Lahore, Pakistan is getting ready to start making Opium products again. This factory, which was set up in 1942, stopped working in 2012 because of Problems like not giving out opium medicines Correctly and not having good rules in Place.

This Reopening is a big Deal because opium has many Medical uses but it’s not easy to get legally. When it’s not available people have to use less effective synthetic medicines.

This special Government owned factory’s main job is to make Opium Powder for medical Companies and Herbal centers across Pakistan. It also supplies opium to people who need it for medical reasons in the Punjab region, but only when a doctor Prescribes it.

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To make sure the factory starts up again Safely and Correctly a special committee has been put in Charge. This group includes important people like Mian Ahmad Saeed from Punjab’s Excise Department and others who will oversee the Process.

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The Reopening of the Opium Factory means that People in Pakistan will have better access to a Natural and Reliable way to treat pain and other Health issues. It’s a Big step forward for the Country’s healthcare and helps People use opium products more Responsibly for their health.

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