High-level Chinese business delegation in Islamabad, Pakistan to push for investments

high level chinese business delegation in islamabad pakistan to push for investments

(C)Arab News,high level chinese business delegation in islamabad pakistan to push for investments

It is reported that a delegation of high-level Chinese companies has arrived in Islamabad. Pakistan has planned to push the investment to shore up its economy.

Radio Pakistan, the Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation reported on Wednesday, that a high-level Chinese business delegation arrived in Islamabad to discuss the new investment opportunities in Pakistan. The high-level delegation comprises representatives from different industries, including energy, technology, trade, textiles, leather, and infrastructure. Pakistan plans to push foreign investment to shore up Pakistan’s economy. 

Importance of the Visit

China and Pakistan have been long-term allies, with substantial investments in Pakistan through CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor) projects. It was signed on April 20, 2015. It is a $62 billion infrastructure project which connects China and Pakistan. The aim of these projects are

  • Improve transportation
  • Develop tourism
  • Connect Ports
  • Transform the economy
  • Improve lives
  • Increase connectivity and cooperation
  • Develop agriculture & people to people communication

And more.

Technology and telecommunications were also high on the agenda, with Chinese companies showing interest in investing in Pakistan’s IT sector. Pakistan’s economy majorly depends on agriculture, hence they have planned to emphasize modern farming techniques and boosting agricultural productivity through Chinese expertise. 

SIFC (Special Investment Facilitation Council) was founded by Pakistan last year and is considered as a ‘One Window Operation’, and was visited by the Chinese delegation on Tuesday. 

“The delegation was apprised of potential investment opportunities in priority sectors including agriculture, livestock, IT, energy, minerals, tourism, and industry” Radio Pakistan added.

During Prime Minister Shehbaz’s visit to China in 2024, both countries agreed to sign the 32 MOUs to promote trade and develop the economy of Pakistan by exporting the products to Chinese investors. On one side Pakistan is trying to attract more foreign investments to their country but there was no comment related to their visits and meetings from the Chinese side. China raised questions regarding security issues which caused the death of Chinese workers and drivers in a suicide attack.

Pakistan requires a laborious time to improve its economy with the idea of increasing its foreign investments from China.

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