Hamas Urges Muslim World to Remember Their Duty Amid Gaza Crisis

hamas urges muslim world to remember their duty amid gaza crisis

hamas urges muslim world to remember their duty amid gaza crisis

Hamas, a Palestinian Organization has made a Heartfelt appeal to the Muslim World to Remember their Responsibility during the ongoing crisis in Gaza caused by Israeli Forces. They Believe it’s the duty of the Muslim World to Support the Palestinians in their time of Need.

Khaled Qadomi a spokesperson for Hamas Spoke and stated that Israel is committing what he calls “war crimes” against innocent Palestinians but he Believes the world isn’t doing enough to stop it. He Mentioned that Palestinians are just looking for Peace and freedom but Israel has turned Gaza into what feels like an open-air Prison.

The Conflict has led to significant Casualties. Over 2,200 Palestinians have lost their lives due to Israeli Airstrikes while Israel has reported the loss of 1,300 lives due to attacks by Hamas.

The Situation is dire and even the United Nations (UN) has expressed its deep Concerns. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has said that it would be very Difficult for the people in Gaza to follow evacuation orders which could lead to severe Humanitarian Consequences. He has called on the world to unite and Protect civilians and find a way to end this cycle of Death and destruction.

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In Response to the crisis a plane carrying life-saving Medical supplies from the World Health Organization (WHO) has landed in Egypt. These supplies will be sent to Gaza as soon as it’s possible to cross the Border. They include Medicines for trauma essential healthcare items and equipment to help around 1,200 injured individuals and 1,500 Patients with Chronic illnesses. Additionally, basic health supplies will be provided to support around 300,000 people, including Pregnant women.

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These supplies are Desperately needed because many Hospitals in Gaza are either damaged or overwhelmed. The WHO hopes that these Resources will save lives especially for those who have been injured and have nowhere else to turn for help.

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