Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif Announces 150 Buses for Karachi’s Public Transport

prime minister shahbaz sharif announces 150 buses for karachi's public transport

prime minister shahbaz sharif announces 150 buses for karachi’s public transport

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif announced that the Federal Government would provide 150 buses to the city to improve its public transportation system during his visit to Karachi on Wednesday. this announcement because this request came from Sindh’s Minister for Transport. Sharjeel Inam Memon asked for 300 Buses to support the city’s growing Transport needs.

The Prime Minister explained that while they couldn’t meet the entire request, the federal government would provide half of the requested buses. The main reason for this support is to enhance the Public Transport system. It will help Karachi’s residents have better commuting options. PM Shahbaz Sharif praised the Sindh Government’s efforts to improve Transportation services. He also said he wants to work together with the Provincial Government to improve Karachi’s infrastructure.

The meeting where this announcement was made took place at the Chief Minister’s House in Karachi. All the key Federal and Provincial Officials, including Federal Ministers Ahsan Iqbal, Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, Owais Leghari, and others attended the meeting. Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah and other provincial officials also participated in the meeting.

In addition to the bus announcement, the Karachi Circular Railway (KCR) project was also discussed. The Chief Minister of Sindh shared with the Prime Minister that a revised feasibility study for the KCR was completed in 2023. This news was also shared with the Economic Affairs Division and the Ministry of Transport in China. The Chief Minister requested the Prime Minister’s assistance in expediting the KCR project, including obtaining the “Right of Way” from the Railways Ministry to enable the Sindh government to proceed with construction.

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Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif asked the planning Minister to work on solving these issues related to the KCR project. Shehbaz Sharif  shows the importance of removing all difficulties to ensure the Project could move fast. 

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 These important Announcements and discussions shows a  collaborative approach to addressing Karachi’s Transportation Challenges.  The federal and provincial Governments aim to improve the daily lives of Karachi’s residents by providing Additional buses and supporting infrastructure projects like the KCR,

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